From us to all
In the JenaVersum, we want to encourage an interest in science. We want to make ideas and research accessible, pass on experiences and enable a change of perspective.
When science is the future, it’s everyone’s business!
That is why Jena brings science to life through a wide range of events that are open to the public. This begins by inspiring the youngest members of society through the ‘Kinderuni’ [‘Children’s Uni’] or the ‘Forsche Schüler Tag’ [‘School Scientists Day’] at the Beutenberg Campus right the way through to the ‘Seniorenkolleg’ – a series of lectures for interested parties further on in their studies. In the ‘Noble Talks’ lecture series, which takes place twice a year, renowned scientists present their research to a wide audience. The Collegium Europaeum Jenense, meanwhile, offers intellectuals from the artistic, political and scientific spheres a forum for getting actively involved in shaping Europe’s evolution. A special highlight for everyone is the big ‘Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft’ [‘Long Night of Science’] event that takes place in Jena every two years. Research institutes, universities and a host of research companies in the city all get involved and present their research to the citizens of Jena in an entertaining way.
Education in STEM subjects plays a special role in Jena. In 2016, the Jena City Council decided on a concept for increasing education in the areas of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. The Witelo cooperation association connects urban providers of STEM education. Like the MINT festival at the University of Jena, the association shapes Jena’s active educational work and inspires young, up-and-coming scientists to enter the broad area of natural science and computer science. In parallel to this, the format is a great example of how the various scientific institutions and businesses in Jena collaborate to promote the topic of science and raise its public profile.