JenaVersum supports the initiative Weltoffenes Thüringen

Living cosmopolitanism and democracy, diversity in all dimensions and tolerance. As a network of the science and business location Jena, we are committed to these values that are fundamental to our daily work and our partnership-based exchange. As a consequence, it is only right for us to be part of the “Weltoffenes Thüringen” initiative.

Jena and the region of Thuringia are open to the world

As a broad alliance of already more than 3.000 institutions, cities and individuals, we stand for a cosmopolitan, diverse and democratic region of Thuringia. Many of JenaVersum’s partners have also already signed up. We want to live in a country where people are accepted and welcomed in their diversity.

Official kick-off is on January 25, 2024 in the City Hall in Jena.

Further information on the initiative:

Success for Jena in the Excellence Competition: Project “Imaginamics” reaches Final Round

With the new project “Imaginamics. Practices and Dynamics of Social Imagination”, another research initiative of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena has reached the final round of the Excellence Competition. The researchers can now submit a full proposal until mid-August.

In addition, the existing Cluster of Excellence “Balance of the Microverse” is also applying for further funding in the Excellence Strategy competition.

This is a great success for Jena as a science location and for the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Congratulations and continued success to everyone involved.

Press release of the University of Jena: