On May 28, the Day of Diversity took place in Jena for the 11th time. With sunshine and good humor, we were able to set an example for a diverse urban society together with the many visitors in the city center.

Our JenaVersum stand with the “Diversity in Jena – the quiz” was a lot of fun for the many young and old visitors. Great teamwork and the many inspiring conversations made the day a special experience.

Under the motto: Join in and find out more about diversity in our city, together with our partners Welcome Center Jena, Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, Beutenberg Campus und Eine Welt Netzwerk Thüringen, we created an interactive quiz that was not only fun for visitors, but also provided important insights into social diversity and its contribution to science.

As network of the science and business location, JenaVersum  stands for open exchange and excellent research. Open-mindedness, internationality and collaboration between the best minds from all over the world are fundamental to success in research and science. That is why we are representing our network at the Day of Diversity and look forward to celebrating diversity together with so many others!