Date:           18.06.2024
Time:          2 – 3:30 pm
Place:          Auditorium “Zur Rosen” (Johannisstraße 13, Jena)

We cordially invite you to our 1st user day “OpenIRIS for JenaVersum”. The event offers an excellent opportunity to learn about the possibilities of OpenIRIS, exchange experiences and learn from other users.


  • Robyn Brackin-Helmers, Board Member OpenIRIS & Microscopy Engineer at the Advanced Medical BioImaging Core Facility at Charité Berlin
  • Aurélie Jost, Manager of the Microverse Imaging Center, Cluster of Excellence Balance of the Microverse
  • Torsten Kroll, Manager of the Core Facility Functional Genomics, Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute e.V. (FLI)
  • Georg Pohnert, interim head of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Vice President for Research, will give the welcome address.

Registration here:

Jena is a hotspot for excellent research and state-of-the-art infrastructure. The universities and research institutions in Jena are excellently equipped. Sharing this infrastructure promotes cross-disciplinary synergies and interdisciplinary cooperation and enables resources to be used sparingly.

Coordinated use of the research infrastructure requires the agreement of all partners and a platform to make available equipment and conditions of use accessible. JenaVersum has piloted the open source platform OpenIRIS, funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation, for this purpose. This provides an overview of the research infrastructures in the network, displays terms of use transparently and allows bookings to be made. Over 100 devices have been recorded so far!